About Us

DiscussPW is a mix of Discussions, TV Listings, Results, Events, Opinions, Videos, and honestly whatever else we feel like posting!. We have four main discussions on the site which are available if you click here. We do also encourage comments on anything that is posted outside of the main discussions. Besides the discussions, we have TV Listings posted, Results and Events in regards to Pro Wrestling. Again pretty much anything we feel like posting but that’s the focus news-wise. Various trailers, theme song releases are posted in our video section.

When commenting, make sure to keep things civil and in their designated discussions. Join in on the discussions and share your opinion. A lot has changed if you were to browse around the site. But If you check out our discussions you will soon realize that Impact Wrestling has its own discussion. Thus directing fans of other Pro-Wrestling companies to the General Pro Wrestling Discussion. The reasoning behind having it like this is that our community is primarily fans of TNA Wrestling. So having a discussion just focused on that promotion makes the most sense. Our other discussions include Entertainment for everything outside of wrestling world. As well as a Spoiler discussion to keep spoilers out of the main discussions We a pretty chill community of wrestling fans so don’t be afraid to comment and introduce yourself!

If you have any questions or concerns with the website. Maybe you’re looking to write or contribute in any way. Feel free to contact us