20/20 Tonight, Friday (November 10, 2023) The case of a beloved professor who was murdered.
20/20 airing at 9PM on November 10 2023. On the morning of July 18, 2014, beloved FSU law professor and father of two young children, Dan Markel, pulled into his driveway and was approached by an unknown man who shot him twice in the head at point-blank range. Detectives found no clues about the perpetrators at the crime scene; they had only one lead to work with — a neighbor who gave a loose description of a Prius speeding out of Dan’s driveway. Through a series of interviews and with aid from the FBI, police were able to uncover the travels of the Prius through a web of surveillance footage and toll booth data, which finally led to the arrest of the hitmen responsible for his death. But the question remained: Who hired the hitmen? With reporting from ABC News chief national affairs correspondent Matt Gutman, “20/20” documents how prosecutors used newly enhanced audio as the final link to charge Dan’s ex-wife’s brother, Charlie Adelson, with the crime.
The two-hour program features an exclusive interview with June Umchinda, Charlie Adelson’s ex-girlfriend, and additional interviews with Ruth and Phil Markel, Dan’s parents, and Michael Weinstein, a former family friend.
ABC 20/20 tonight
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