That's My Jam Tonight

That’s My Jam Tonight April 17 2023 on NBC New Episode

That's My Jam Tonight

NBC game show “That’s My Jam” airs Tonight Tuesday (April 17, 2023) with an all-new installment

Tonight, “That’s My Jam” airs at 10:00 PM EST on NBC, this is the April 17 edition. If you would like to watch previous episodes, you can do so on and Peacock TV. Is That’s My Jam new tonight? YES, listed as season 2 episode 6

That’s My Jam Tonight

Jimmy Fallon invites celebrity guests Simu Lie, Chloe, Halle Bailey and Adam Lambert to compete in a series of music, dance and trivia-based games and musical performances, including Launch the Mic, Vinyl Countdown and Don’t Fear the Speaker.

Jimmy Fallon hosts some of today’s biggest stars as they play a variety of music- and dance-inspired games, competing head-to-head and mic-to-mic for five rounds of friendly competition, unforgettable moments and hilarious performances. Every week, the celebrity guests take on an epic mix of challenges, including Launch the Mic, Air Guitar, Don’t Drop the Beat, Perfect Mash-Up, Wheel of Impossible Karaoke, Slay It, Don’t Spray It and many more as they try to win cash prizes for their favorite charities.

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