The Gift Kindness Goes Viral With Steve Hartman tonight

“The Gift: Kindness Goes Viral With Steve Hartman” Airs Tonight December 28 2022 on CBS

The Gift Kindness Goes Viral With Steve Hartman tonight

Wednesday (December 28, 2022) “The Gift: Kindness Goes Viral With Steve Hartman”

Tonight, December 28 The “The Gift: Kindness Goes Viral With Steve Hartman” airs at 10PM ET on CBS. It is also available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.

The Gift: Kindness Goes Viral With Steve Hartman Tonight

Hartman examines how one simple act of kindness can create a ripple effect that causes real, positive change. Hartman meets an MIT professor as she works on a formula to answer the question: What does it take for an act of kindness to spread? It’s all about ordinary people committing extraordinary acts and changing lives far beyond their own communities.

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