Triple H NXT

Triple H Must Take Control Of NXT Again

Triple H NXT

Hey, what’s happening everybody, it’s The Wrestling Takeover host Jordan T. I’m back with another opinion piece. Today’s article pertains to the news story that is going around pertaining to Triple H saying ”he’s back” when he appeared at The Performance Center this week. Everybody is now speculating what he meant when he said ”he’s back”. Many fans like myself who heard the news of Triple H and potential talks that he now has ”more power” in NXT are hoping for the return of the black and gold brand. I will detail in this article that we need a format change in NXT that resembles the black and gold brand to return. Follow me on social media @thewrestlingtakeover on Instagram and on Twitter @JTTakeover Also, support my podcast ”The Wrestling Takeover” Via Apple Pod

When did NXT go downhill?

It has always been speculated by fans when it comes to when NXT went downhill when it comes to the quality and direction of the show. Many people within the community said ”NXT died when AEW was created” and I respectfully disagree. NXT started to dip when they left The WWE Network and debuted on The USA Network on September 18th, 2019. Then… Vince McMahon saw a new promotion being created and known as AEW, which will be on Wednesday nights, and decided to put NXT up against the new promotion. In hindsight, that was a terrible mistake, and once NXT couldn’t defeat AEW, Vince McMahon decided to FIRE Triple H and his team. He and Bruce Prichard took control of NXT along with Nick Khan, who interviewed Ariel Helwani, talking about the potential change of NXT becoming NXT 2.0. NXT hasn’t been the same since September 18th.

The Potential Comeback of NXT

When you look at NXT and its direction currently, the stars are there; it’s just that the format is whack and the direction isn’t exciting fans. Even when I know, there are potential stars in the pipeline for decades to come that are in NXT. With Triple H being in charge again potentially, everybody is getting excited because of how NXT 1.0 meant so much to all of us. Triple H and his team were creating new stars to go up to the main roster and shine eventually, Not to mention that he was developing new stars to become top stars on both Monday Night Raw and Friday Night SmackDown. Now with many rumors going around that Bruce Prichard will be The Head of Talent Relations, he can’t also focus on NXT and it seems like Triple H will gain the power back on NXT, I mean that’s what’s being reported. NXT was a bright spot for the company and it was the highlight of fan’s week on Wednesday nights on The WWE Network. Not to mention NXT Takeover that happened when WWE had their big four pay-per-views. Vince McMahon didn’t like what he saw, so he changed it and ruined NXT for many people like myself… Triple H taking power back and controlling NXT again is the right call. Triple H having a talent meeting and saying ”I’m back” is music to my ears as a fan and I know the wrestlers are happy to see Triple H again. NXT never needed to be changed and as a fan, I pray it gets back to its roots. We will see what happens as news develops.

Has NXT 2.0 Been A Failure?

Yes. And I say yes because when you look at the format and how these men and women are being used, it isn’t how it was during NXT 1.0. But I will compliment Vince McMahon and say he is creating some new stars like Carmelo Hayes, Bron Breakker, Santos Escobar, Tony D’Angelo, Grayson Wallar, and more. The problem has been the format and lack of direction with the 2.0 brand. The current brand of NXT, not a lot of people watch because of the way it looks and feels. The creativity is the issue, along with the look and feel of the show. NXT 2.0 hasn’t generated hardly any buzz as NXT 1.0 did. Changes need to be made and it starts with Triple H getting a team together and having a plan to build back up the NXT brand and creating new stars for the main roster. With the talent that’s already on the brand, they will be just fine. Because they will be in the right hands with Triple H and his team that he resembled. Vince McMahon didn’t need to change NXT and did Triple H dirty as this was Triple H’s greatest creation. For that to be taken away from him, that’s NOT cool. Enjoy the newest article


Podcaster and creative writer.

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