It’s The Wrestling Takeover host Jordan Turner as I’m back again with another opinion piece. Today, it concerns the breaking news of Vince McMahon taking a leave of absence following the allegations surrounding him. News broke this morning via Twitter that Stephanie McMahon will be the appointed ”new CEO of WWE” while Vince McMahon is gone. Here are my thoughts on the entire situation, and I will explain why Vince McMahon, no matter what, needs to step down as head of creative. Be sure to follow me on Instagram @thewrestlingtakeover and on Twitter @JTTakeover Support the podcast as well.
My Reason for Vince McMahon stepping down
Vincent Kenny McMahon has been running WWE for decades and has been head of creative for decades. Vince McMahon was on the ”Pat MacAfee Show” and said that ”there are multiple chains that go away on the creative team.” He said all that, but at the end of the day, he will still be in charge. Vince McMahon, from a creative standpoint, hasn’t been putting out the best when it comes to compelling and engaging TV on weekly WWE programming. From a booking standpoint, WWE is content with doing the same things and going with the same formula because it’s worked for them for over a decade-plus.
Things need to change from a creative perspective… With the news of Stephaine McMahon coming out, the articles still pointed out that ”Vince McMahon will remain in control related to WWE’s creative content”. Vince McMahon’s way of writing compelling and engaging TV has lost its way, and we need a new voice when it comes to creative decisions when talking about storylines and character development. Vince McMahon ‘voluntary stepped back’ from his responsibilities as CEO and Chairman of the Board. Vince McMahon is guilty of doing dumb and nonsensical storylines that make no sense and are missing parts.
Who Should Run The Creative In WWE?
WWE is seemingly struggling in the creative department, and everybody knows it. Just watch the weekly shows… I think Vince McMahon and his team should continue to run the day-to-day operations from a business standpoint in WWE. But when it comes to the creative side of things, he needs to give up that power and appoint somebody with a great creative mind for character development and storylines.
- Triple H and Stephaine McMahon
- Paul Heyman
That’s it. Nobody else should be in consideration. Triple H ran NXT, and Stephaine McMahon has been a part of the creative team and has seen the behind-the-scenes. Vince McMahon and his people run the business of WWE, and Stephaine McMahon, Triple H, and their team run the creative aspect of WWE, and it’s simply because we need some damn order when it comes to the creative side of WWE. We need everything creatively to change.
- The format of the show
- The PPV calendar
- Creating new stars
- Cutting down on scripted promos
- Long-term/short-term booking
- Making every championship within the company, making them feel important
- Having plans for Raw and SmackDown, stop ripping up scripts.
All I want as a fan is for WWE to be compelling television and give us a reason to watch weekly, monthly, and yearly. The main problem with WWE is creativity; once they fix that, everything will fall into place.
What’s Next For WWE?
I’m sorry to tell everybody, but if you all read the articles, they’ve said ”Vince McMahon is still in charge of the creative process,” and when I read that quote, I said to myself ”nothing will change until he’s out of creative”. People are up and arms saying ”Vince McMahon needs to leave and be gone from WWE”; that would be a terrible mistake from a business standpoint. Vince McMahon needed to remain in power regarding the business, but he was removed from all creativity. Collectively as a fan base, we all can agree that changes need to be implemented in WWE and that change starts with the higher-ups in WWE like Vince McMahon and others on his team. Creatively, we need a new voice and direction. I love WWE… I know they can be ”must-see TV”, they just need to want that for themselves. Will anything change dramatically? Probably not. I hope I’m wrong.
Podcaster and creative writer.